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Three Easy-to-Grow and Cost-Effective Vegetables in a Home Garden

Hayley Ninnis

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The recipient of a bachelor's degree in psychology from Penn State University, Hayley Ninnis is soon to be a certified Power Vinyasa Yoga instructor who also serves as a customer service representative at Hunt Auctions. When she isn't working, Hayley Ninnis enjoys spending her spare time redecorating her house and growing an outdoor garden.

Growing your own vegetables in a garden requires regular maintenance, but some are easier and more cost-effective than others. Below are three vegetables inexperienced gardeners should try planting:

1. Radishes - These crunchy and delicious salad toppers can be grown in containers or sowed in the ground four weeks following the last frost of the season. They can be harvested within a month.

2. Tomatoes - Due to the relatively quick time in which they take to reach full size, tomato plants are ideal for first-time vegetable gardeners. They can be sown in pots, bags, hanging baskets, or even window boxes. Tomato plants take about three months to harvest and can produce fresh tomatoes on a daily basis for as long as six years.

3. Asparagus - While asparagus doesn't have a quick harvest time like the two aforementioned plants, it's worth growing the plant for longevity alone. It can take as long as two years until its first harvest, but the plant can produce the vegetable for the next two decades.